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Do you remember Newark? What was it like when you were growing up? Have you heard a story passed down through your family? Did an image or a memory that you saw on the sites of the Old Newark Web Group jog your memory? These pages are devoted to your Newark Memories. If you have any memory of Newark please use this link and I'll put it on the site. All submissions over 200 words are welcome.

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Below are the last 50 Newark Memories submitted. You can access the memories of others by clicking on the lower navigation bars on the left. For an Alpha Listing of all the memories Click Here. Currently there are over 1025 Newark Memories posted.

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The Robert Treat Hotel

by Bruce Robinson

Currently Bruce Robinson is writing a book on the Robert Treat Hotel, this is a draft of first chapter about his family's experience living in the management suite at the Hotel from 1935 to 1945.


HUNTERDON STREET, 1939 - A Newark Memoir

by Martin Bucco

About the Author

Martin Bucco is Professor Emeritus of English at Colorado State University, where he taught American literature from 1963 to 2005. He was born in Newark, New Jersey, in 1929 and attended public schools in Essex County. In 1948, he was graduated from Belleville High School, where he was senior class president and played varsity football. He attended Newark Rutgers for a year, but ventured to New Mexico, where he earned his B. A. from Highlands University in 1952. He returned East and received his M. A. from Columbia University in 1957, and he worked as an English instructor at the University of Missouri, where he received his Ph. D. in 1963. The author of many scholarly books, journal articles, and literary reviews, Martin Bucco has received numerous honors and awards for his teaching and scholarship. He lives with his wife in Colorado, where they spend much of their time conversing, reading, and commenting on the birds in their backyard:

About the Memoir

This memoir of Martin Bucco's life as an imaginative nine-year-old boy living temporarily next door to his grandparents' Italian-American grocery store on Hunterdon Street in the Clinton Hill Section of Newark in 1939 not only captures scenes from a vanished but vividly remembered past, but is an implied but durable bridge between the author's childhood and adolescence, between nearly a decade of his earlier Sunday visits to Hunterdon Street from north Newark and nearly a decade of his later Sunday visits to Hunterdon Street from suburban Belleville. If the memoirist's mature perspective plainly refrains from making sophisticated commentary on his 1939 Self, he makes his boyhood's limited language and angle of vision in Newark as unequivocal as possible. "This neighborly small fry," says the seventy-eight-year-old author, "has been popping in and out of my life for longer than I can forget."



Last 50 Newark Memories published:

Aspirin, Polka Dots & Hahne's by Karen Zautyk
Weequahic by Sandra Smelson Frank
Wintertime Down Neck by Karen Zautyk
Boylan Street Pool by Bill ODonnell
S. Klein on the Square by Arthur Sharon
Newark Police Band by Dennis Beyer
Maple Avenue by Ralph Chin
Fishing in the Passaic River by Karen Zautyk
A Newark Tale (A True Story) by Alfred Sonny Piccoli
Newark by Sandra Smelson Frank
Sink or Swim (A True Story) by Alfred Sonny Piccoli
Remembering Downtown Newark in the 1960's by Alfred Sonny Piccoli
Hawthorne Avenue by Sandra Smelson Frank
A Newark Childhood: A Memoir by David Hugo Barrett
North Newark and Weequahic Revisited by Ralph J. Chin
Stick Ball and Gentile by James Lawler
S. Kleins by Nat Jacobs
Remembrances of the Weequahic Diner by Joe Snyder
Growing Up in Newark by John Shumanow
Newark Friends by Angelo Jim (De De) Scanelli
Rev. William P. Hayes Homes by Facebook Collection
Olympic Park by Facebook Collection
My Life on Fifteenth Avenue by Diane (Pavel) Stewart
Newark Memories by Esther Kaplan
Remembering the Stephen Crane Village by Lois Ann Dodds
The Greatest Train Engine Ever GG1 by Bob Molee
Growing Up On Baldwin Street by Jack Conway
The Newark Riots Through the Eyes of a Child of the Ironbound by Michael Dobrzelecki
Memories of Vassar Avenue by Nathan L. Jacobson
Ming's Restaurant - The Fire by Ralph J. Chin
Mulberry Street by Denise Taylor
Third Ward Memories by Jack Conway
West Side Park by John Shumanow
Chancellor Avenue by Andrea Jay
South 12th Street by John Shumanow
Memories of Newark by Larry Rozolsky
Forest Hill by Joseph Picatello
Memories of Kresge Newark Department Store by Alfred Quinton
Newark Memories by Ellie Ciccone
The Robert Treat Hotel by Bruce Robinson
Italian Hot Dogs of Newark by Ralph J. Chin
Scattered Memories by Ralph J. Chin
The Watson Bagel Experience by Ralph J. Chin
The Decade of Change 1960 - 1970 by Ralph J. Chin
Rutgers-Newark 1969-1972 by Carlos de Zayas
Round Bar - Wagon Wheel by Frank Wiener
North Newark Memories by Theresa Russo
South Ward by David Rothbart
Miss Vanderhoof by Tim Carleton
The Barracks by Ralph J. Chin