Maple Avenue

by Ralph Chin


I've read the words below repeatedly and I love the feeling they give me every time I do this. They evoke so many memories about my youth that I am truly humbled and grateful to have a friend who can make her written words convey this type of beauty. I particularly like the underlined statement...."feel the world one more time as it was back then." Mmmm...yes, who would not choose to savor those moments of a lost time once again.

My friend has given me her permission to use this part of her email correspondence to me as a preface to this chapter of my memoirs. Thanks Jacqueline, it is my sincere hope someone besides myself can appreciate the uniqueness of the words you have written. May our friendship always be eternal. 

I miss the fall in Newark.

I remember the leaves on the sidewalk. The streets...Maple Avenue School. The little desks....what an antique world now. I think back and it feels like a dream. 

I wish we could go back for one day, in time. Sit in our seats, be in the playgroud...smell the trees... feel the world one more time as it was back then. 

-Jacqueline Klein


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