Fond Farewell for Charles Cummings

by Jule Spohn


I have just returned home after attending the Funeral Mass and Burial for Charles Cummings. It was indeed a very fond farewell.

Last night I went to the wake which was held at Grace Episcopal Church on Broad Street - between City Hall and the Federal Building. Our own Glenn Geisheimer was there also as were many, many, of Charles' co-workers, friends, and city officials. His closed coffin was placed right in front of the altar - a special tribute to Charles because as I understand it only the Priests of the Parish are normally laid out in the church.

This morning the funeral Mass was at 10am officiated by The Reverend J. Carr Holland III who gave a beautiful and moving homily about Charles. The church was packed. Those in attendance were a cousin of his who came to Newark just for his funeral, his co-workers from the Library, his friends, and many of the Powers-To-Be here in Newark including Mayor Sharpe James and Essex County Sherriff Armando Fontoura.

After the Mass the funeral cortege had a police escort all the way along Broad Street. The flags at City Hall and the Libray were at half-mast. As we passed each of the churches along Broad Street - Grace Church; Trinity Church by Military Park; the House Of Prayer church by Clay Street; and others - I could hear the bells tolling in Charles' Honor.

Charles is burried near the front entrance of Mt. Pleasant Cemetery - a cemetery which he told me many times that he loved. After the burial the people were invited back to the home of Liz Del Tufo - another one of Newark's treasures - on Ballantine Parkway for refreshments.

Charles Cummings - Faithful Servant of the People Of Newark - may you Rest In Peace.


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