I was born on Boylan Street next to the
pool. Then I spent 10 years on Vermont Ave. I was pretty young at
the time but I remember so much now after reading these memories.
I went to Alexander Street School. My uncles and cousins all worked
at Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer, where the big bottle is. I remember Ralph's
Candy Store on the corner of South Orange Ave and Vermont, Tom's
Pork Store, Sweenies Deli, the round table owned by the Campasi's.
How bout Flukie the barber?...Pizza carosale. The doggie park, the
Dairy Queen on the corner?
I spent most of my life on South Orange Ave up untill 1990 or so.
I hung in a social club next to Scared Heart Church every day. Anybody
remember Billy Miller? What a charactor. I drove through the old
hood about 4 years ago and couldn't believe it. How things change.
I have a 4 year old son now and will never get the education I did
growing up in Newark, maybe that's a good thing?
I now live in Scottsdale AZ, it's beautiful here. But I really
miss the old days in Vailsburg.