Autumn Memories in the Weequahic Section

by Jacqueline Klein


After the Jewish holidays were over...and the women wore their beautiful new suits and mink stoles...everyone in holiday best...after the sukkah was taken down...the dances for simchat torah were danced...the new year celebrated...atonement made....came the real beginning of the autumn....pyrocanthus berries were bright orange...and the cold rain would begin...with just a few ruby and amber leaves left on the trees....I remember being an early bird at Maple Avenue School...starting back after an American cheese sandwich and malted for lunch near my mother's store...from the candy store on the corner of Elizabeth and little galoshes over my shoes...a hat with a snap strap under the chin and a clear plastic umbrella from the bo-peep shop on Bergen Street...

...I can hear the sound of the rain on that umbrella today...with those big wet maple leaves and the fuzzy balls underfoot...the smell of the buses roaring up Lyons I walked to school...

....passing the upholstery shop in the gray house on the corner of Bergen and Lyons...up past Schmerele Brothers Furriers...the great big toy store...the Berkeley Savings....and across the street was the neighborhood orthodontist, Dr. Kessler...who put wads of red wax over protruding braces....then continuing along....all the houses with yellow lamps on in the rain...mothers home watching soap operas with organ music and Spic and Span commercials...oh to be home, instead of marching to school...

....watching Tex and Jinx...and Queen for a Day....the Kate Smith Show with the beautiful Indian princess...and then later, the Magic Cottage...Superman, yippee!!!and there was Douglas Edwards and John Cameron Swayzee with the news...and Dinah Shore at night with great Chevrolet commercials..."see the world today, in your Chevrolet!!!"

.....but on I went to school...walking past Goldfinger's Furniture Store...across the street, the Regent Florist, the old Acme where I got my first golden book of Cinderella, my favorite book in the world...past the brand new post office, so modern looking...and then under the mighty shadow of the red roofed Beth Israel Hospital...was there any friend of mine that wasn't born at the Beth?

...then...crossing to the left on Maple Avenue....passing young Israel synagogue....and finally....

to Maple Avenue School...with the little flag pole and windows covered with construction paper fall leaves with school paste that I loved to eat off of the wooden sticks...I can still remember the wonderful smell of those great big white jars of school paste!!

the bell would ring...and off to the musty, little wooden cloak rooms...soon it would be time for leggings too and wet mittens...and then to the little wooden desks with the inkwells....

......there were the Sally, Dick and Jane readers with Puff and Spot...and all those dreamy pastel perfect family pictures...arithmetic and music class with Mrs. Schwartz and her class making applesauce and writing recipes on index cards...gym with blue bloomer uniforms and sneakers ...dismounting the big horses and climbing monkey bars on the wall..... and history class studying quaint countries...

.......there were no computer Xeroxes...just wet purple mimeographs that smelled great....who had ever heard of a place called Vietnam or a president named Kennedy...or the internet...or biotechnology....lasers or optic fibers....

......and I remember gazing out the window at the rain in the trees...wondering what it would be like when I was all grown up...looking out at Pomona Ave.....and far beyond the horizon...never dreaming what would have become the dream....


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