Weequahic Memories Part 2

by Jacqueline Klein


I remember the wonderful hot corned beef sandwiches at Kartzmans deli on Bergen street...does anyone remember the joys of shopping on Bergen street, near Lyons Ave....?

there was the stately, old fidelity bank...and across the street, Brody's shoes..Shultz furriers...and the wonderful Bergen bake shop with Bertie and Gertie behind the counter, in pale yellow uniforms with crocheted hankies in the pocket....

does anyone remember their frozen dough cookies...brownies...and wonderful seeded rye? Not to mention their Mohn cookies and incredible cupcakes!

although Silver's Bakery did have the remarkable brownies!!

who could forget young Israel synagogue on the Jewish holidays, with the crowds spilling out onto the street, blocking traffic...

there was nothing quite like the high holy days in Newark....

nor have I ever forgotten the rose garden in Weequahic park and the little water fountain there...

the fancy marble building that housed the sand-box down near Chancellor Ave. in the park...

and who could forget Maple Avenue school in the springtime...surrounded by beautiful green maple trees and early forsythia...

who could forget Newark in early spring...the first crocus plants and daffodils and azaleas...in front of the houses... a time to rejoice!

and downtown at Christmas time was wonderful!

Chock Full O'Nuts for a date nut bread sandwich or a hot dog...

and then on to Ohrbachs...and Bambergers with the tearoom downstairs...Kresge's...and Hahnes......and McCrory's...nothing like the toy departments at Christmas...

and the Salvation Army people...wet umbrellas and the tinsel bright ornament and holly corsages on the women's coats...

my aunt Bea worked at Kresge's and the big treat was to meet her in the store restaurant for chicken a la king....

and does anyone remember the pony rides by Millman's hot dogs, near the tavern bakery?

Newark, my heart longs for those beautiful days...

now covered with the mist of time...

I will never forget my childhood memories...

they grow more precious with age.....

thank you for this website where we can share our remembrances....

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