Reading the Newark Memories of others
brings thoughts of my own childhood back to me. Sometimes it seems
they have lived my childhood. I'm surprised no one has mentioned
the Regent Movie House on Broadway in Newark. If you were a child
living in the 1st Ward, you spent many a Saturday (and I mean a
good part of the day) at the Regent. For a quarter admission you
were shown two feature films, newsreels, loads of cartoons and a
serial. PLUS should your eyes hold up and your Mom didn't come looking
for you, you could stay and see everything over and over again.
Many children brought their lunch in paper bags.
Certain nights the Regent gave away dishes/glasses/flatware to
every customer. My Mom would take my sister and I to the Regent
on those evenings so she could complete her set faster! From the
number of people attending on dish night I'm certain half of the
1st ward had the same set of china.