Newark Memories 1920s

by Seymour Pierce


As I read many of the articles included in all areas of the OLDNEWARK site, each item stirs up another memory of mine. These items that I am presenting ,are random ,some repeated and may be " chronologically challenged ", but they keep popping up.

1920s, parents had a candy store at Broome and Montgomery Streets, cigarettes, .10 a pack or penny each... most candies, a penny... Charlotte Ruses and Halvah were sold ONLY in the winter, displayed on counter (no A/C). "Chances " cost a penny, if you happen to pick one with a "pink center " you won a nickel bar...That 's when kids stopped biting their nails, so they could cheat and "dig in" with longer nails and peek and find a " pink winner ".

This, while my father was busy selling a .02¢ or .03¢ NY Daily News, NY Graphic, NY Telegram, Newark Star Eagle, Zeitung, Forward, afternoon Newark News and on Sunday ,the Call, plus some, long forgotten. Also on the "menu" .05¢ Coca Cola and .10 ¢ malteds, and "two cents plain" (seltzer). 7UP was introduced, I believe, to COMPETE with the standard 6 ounce Coke, and .02¢ Hooton to "beat the .01¢ Hershey...

YEARS AND YEARS LATER I realized that when those TIFFANY shades were taken down and lighting "modernized " we were giving up a monumental treasure, as were the "wire type" chairs and especially later the Baseball cards and Comic books, those comic book heroes were WW1 pilots and Aircraft. (What would that bring at auction?) WOW! all that we did NOT save. Another decade to follow as we gather our thoughts. Reaction or comments are welcomed


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